Is it Tom Celic? No, those baby blue eyes and chiseled features have nothing on this guy...

Could it be Albert Einstein? Nope, even Einstein's brains can't quite match up. Even though Albert is obviously trying to sit like him...

If it's not Tom Celic or Albert Einstein it clearly must be the Mayor of Murry UT!
Nay, the man I speak of is known only as El Guapo to those who know him.

There are none that can compare to this fine specimen of a man. I am lucky enough to call my husband. He demonstrates here his fine tuned body as well as his impeccable fashion sense.

But most importantly let us not forget his thick luxurious mustache. Tom, Albert and the Mayor of Murry only wish they could grow such a fine stash.
I know many of you are feeling that inevitable feeling of jealousy right now, but remember he's all mine!
Oh Meg, you are a champ for enduring the "perv stache" Chey looked at it and all he had to say was, "nasty" Good thing Abe is so awesome he can pull it off!! ;) How are things going for you guys??
Beautiful. I reminds me of a song.
Oh all of you poor single men, dont ever give up in dispare, for theres always a chance in this life, to capture the hearts of the fair. No matter what may be your age, you always can cut a fine dash. And be all the rage with girls, if you only get a mustache. a mustache, a mustache
I haven't had the pleasure of meeting Abe yet, but after this posting I am convinced we must become friends. Alex and I are going to try and work on Ben and see if he will give the mustache a try. Too funny! - Jennifer
Wow. Abe the mustache is great. Meg, you are a witty nerd. So, Abe, buddy... about your phone message. I don't feed Meg lies, what I speak of is pure truth. Hence, you need to relocate to Vegas. You can move into a home on our street.. joining the three other LDS families. Yes, three.
totally awesome, what a lucky girl you are! he should keep that goin on for Halloween!
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