Abe and I would like to thank everyone who has helped us get through this last week. Many of you gave words of comfort and love through comments, emails, texts, phone calls, and gifts. We received some really beautiful flowers that I wanted to share with you before they wilt. My home had smelled so nice this week!
These are the beautiful lilies that my visiting teacher brought to me in the hospital, thank you to the Nelsen family.
My sweet friends Danni and Bonnie gave me these tulips as well as a delicious treat of nutella cupcakes!
This is a mix of two gifts, one by the Shaw family who has given us so much support this last week and the other by my good friend Jen Bell who was sweet enough to bring me these as well as a ton of feel good, chick flicks for me to watch while I was recovering. I was so grateful to have them too. When you are in bed for a week by yourself all day you need some good movies to watch. Plus they helped me keep my mind off thing which was also very helpful.
Thank you everyone, we love and appreciate you all so much!
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