Two weeks ago Abe and I went hiking with some of our friends in the Shenandoah mountains. It was a little over 8 miles and we went up apx. 2000 feet and back down 2000 feet. It took us 7 hours from start to finish, including stops. It was a pretty tough hike, but really fun.

All along the hike you pass by various swimming holes, waterfalls and natural rock slides. Luckily it wasn't too hot because of the shade by all the trees, but it was crazy humid! You can actually see the humidity in some of the pictures.

Abe's favorite part was the slides.

We had a great time!
It really was an awesome hike. Thanks for being good troopers when the hike just kept going... and going... higher.. and higher...
Looks fun. I think that the longest that I have been in nature in the past year is about 35 minutes (to mow my lawn) 7 hours seems crazy. Congrats on the CFA exam. All this time I thought CFA stood for "constantly Farting Abe" is that not correct?
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