Sunday, July 24, 2011

6 Months, late again...

Someday I will be on top of posting again. This month I hadn't even gotten around to taking 6 month pictures of the boys so I asked Abe to snap some good pics for me and these were the best of all the ones he took. I guess that is what happens when you leave it up to dad.

Jefferson is still fat and happy. He is now sleeping in a crib instead of his car seat and he really likes it. I think both the boys like that they can see each other through the bars of their cribs.

He still hasn't been able to get his chunky body to roll over yet but he has slimmed down just a bit because his favorite thing to do is jump in his jumper. If I put him in that and turn on a baby einstein movie he would be content all day long.

He is still always laughing and smiling (except I guess when we are taking pictures... haha). He is also a total dady's boy. He just stares and Abe when he is around waiting for him to do something funny and then all Abe has to do it look at him and he will start laughing sometimes.

Jace is definitely on the go. He makes his way around the room in no time by rolling all over. He has also started getting up on his hands and knees and will probably be crawling any day now. He has 2 of his bottom teeth coming in and he has been a champ about it. I wouldn't have known he was teething if I hadn't seen them myself.

He is getting more and more animated and loves being held and watching the Disney Land electrical parade video.

This last week has been a crazy one. We had our great friends the Weidhaurs and their kids visit us from Las Vegas and ended up moving into our new house the same weekend. Thanks for being so patient and helping us Brooke and Cody! Then on Monday Abe went back to work and that same morning both the boys got the flu and were throwing up everything! So I had a fun time the next 2 days with them both being sick. Then on Wednesday afternoon when both boys were finally no longer throwing up Abe and I started feeling sick. Let's just say for the next 2 days we had to joy of experiencing first hand how bad the boys had felt and it was not good.

So we are finally all feeling better and moved into our house so when I have time I will take some pics of the house and post those soon.

We are all doing great and we love our new home and boys love having their own beds in their own room. Thanks to everyone that helped us get moved in!