Saturday, July 2, 2011

5 Months

I know they are almost 6 months, I am still a month behind, although these pics were taken the week they turned 5 months. Apparently I am much better at taking pictures then I am with posting them on time.
Jace is doing great although he did have his first bout with sickness a couple of weeks ago. He had to be put on anti-biotics which helped him feel better but gave him the runs that still haven't totally gone away. Yeah, fun for me... poor guy could barely breath and was waking up 4 and 5 times a night because he just didn't feel good. I am so glad that is over and really glad that we were able to keep Jefferson from getting it.

Jace now weighs around 17 pounds and is still our super active, inquisitive baby. He is constantly on a race to get to the next mile stone. Just this week he learned to hold his bottle himself which is great because now if they are both hungry at the same time he can feed himself while I feed Jefferson. Perfect timing too considering we are going to be moving in the next couple of weeks and I won't have my parents for help all the time.

He loves to roll around and if I take my eyes off him for a minute he will roll his way to something he shouldn't. He talks all the time and anything he can grab goes in his mouth. They are both finally sleeping clear through the night from about 7pm to 7am which makes me very happy. Jace is a sweet little boy and loves to snuggle after naps.
My brother and his family came to visit from Texas and brought the boys these cute monkeys and Jace absolutely loves them! They make monkey noises when you squeeze them and it makes him smile every time. He takes it everywhere and snuggles it.
Jefferson is still our smiley happy baby that loves to laugh! He weighs about 20 pounds now and is just solid. We were so proud of him this month for learning to jump(as seen in the previous post). Now it is his favorite thing to do. If you put him in his jumparoo and sit that in front of a baby einstein movie he would be in heaven. He is so easy and content. The only time he ever gets really fussy is when he is tired. He is my sunshine and just brightens up the day.

He is still not rolling over but we are cutting him a little slack because he has quite a bit of weight to pull over. He has slimmed down a bit since he started jumping though because he used to get stuck in the bumbo and now he comes right out of it so at least he is getting some exerciser. One of his favorite games to play is to sing "Jessus wants me for a sunbeam" and we have him jump up every time we get to the word beam. He laughs and laughs, it is so fun.

I just thought this picture was funny.
The boys love Champ. If he is in the room all eyes are on him. The are buddies.
This last week we went to the zoo with my mom and my aunt Joan. The boys were good for about an hour but after that they were both too hot and tired.
They had fun life like moving dinosaurs that made noise and some spit water.


Beth said...

I love them!! They are so utterly adorable! They look really different to me too.