Thursday, August 7, 2008

Tons of Spare Time

I haven't officially started working since we moved to VA, so I have had a lot of extra time on my hands. I have been busy getting settled in and looking for a job, and still don't have much of a social life here yet. Plus I have around 10 hours each day to fill up by myself before Abe gets home form work. When we were in Utah my dad was teaching me how to oil paint. He is the most amazing artist! My favorite paintings of his are his red rock paintings, and I was dying for him to teach me how he does them. So as you can see I have started on my first red rock painting. It's a lot harder to paint without my dad here to help me and give pointers so I have started sending him updates of my painting so he can still teach me by phone. It is working great and I feel like it is finally starting to come together. I still have a long way yet till I am finished though. I realize now that painting is a lot harder than it looked when I watched my dad do it, and it takes more patience than any other hobby I could think of, but I am having a lot of fun doing it.

This was my first painting. I just completed it before we left to come out here. I think one of the hardest things for me is knowing when I should stop and say it's all done. I haven't decided what I should paint next so if anyone has any good photographs (preferably not with people in them, I haven't learned that yet) send them my way.


Anderson Adventures said...

Those are so good. Did you take classes or did your dad teach you. I would love to be able to paint like that. One of my favorite shows to watch is on PBS with the afro guy that paints. Anyways, Jon and I are moving to DC when we are done here in NY. We will only be there for a month but Im sure jon would love to see abe.

Karissa Kay said...

Oh my gosh, Meg, those are amazing!

Amberlin Gefrom said...

Holy crap Meg those are way could sell those..just pain and sell them and you will be rich!

Nate said...

Meg that is great. I can't imagine how hard it would be to not have your dad helping you.
You should paint an old barn or something along those lines. I think that would be freaking sweet.

Darin and Kali said...

Meg you are amazing! You have some serious talent! Your condo is way cute too!

Brooke said...

Meg, those are so awesome! You have def. been handed down your dad's creative genes.. and I am sure you have worked at it pretty hard too ;)

Brooke said...

You could paint a picture of the temple or I have this pretty picture of the Lacaille grounds. you can paint that for our house if you would like ;)

T!FF said...

Talented!!! WOW! I bet those took you forever!!!!!!!! Job Well Done!

Brooke said...

shees meg, testy testy.

Jenny and Brett said...

I didn't know you were such an amazing artist!! You amaze me!

Team Covey said...

Gorgeous paintings, Meg. You rock. I am seriously so impressed. Way to go. We miss you guys so much and LOVE having the blog to see what's up. Know that we love you and miss you.

The Price Family said...

Awww Meg!
That is beautiful! You have another great talent besides your beautiful voice! We miss you guys hope your doing well! Be sure to stop by our blog to see what we have been up to!
Love you guys
Airaka and Rick and Family