Abe was totally in his element. He absolutely loves sailing so this was a great little adventure for us to do together.
This is the main hall on campus. It has huge banquet rooms and it also houses the dorms. It is a lot fancier than any dorms I've ever seen.
Abe tends to get embarassed when people kiss him on the cheek in public. I know from experience!!! That looks like so much fun!
Doing things like that is exactly why Hailie and I want to move out there!
We went to Annapolis last year for exactly one day (it was a 4 day trip and the other three days were spent in the airport or on the plane.) I'm glad we were there though, because it is beautiful and a very quaint town! We also visited the Naval Academy. Right across the bay from it is the seaside restaurant where my brother had his wedding luncheon...it was a cool place to eat. And by the way, way to live vicariously by being a nanny! :)
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