Friday, April 10, 2009

Sad News

We wanted to thank everyone for all your love and support during this pregnancy, however we received some bad news today; we had a miscarriage. Meg will be going in for surgery tomorrow morning and so we would appreciate your prayers and thoughts.

We have accepted that sometimes things just are not meant to be for reasons we might never know, but we are comforted by knowing that God has a plan for us and if we trust in him we will be able to come through this trial a stronger family.


Heidi @ Honeybear Lane said...

Abe and Meg, we are so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how it would feel to lose a baby, although I imagine it's heartbreaking. You are both very strong people and I'm sure that you are finding comfort through eternal families and the gospel. We are praying for you.

Melinda said...

Megs, I've been crying off and on all morning. I'm just so sad about your loss. I'm so sorry that I can't be there. I hope that the dinner we've arranged for you cheers you a little. You guys are in our prayers.

Cass said...

oh you guys, we are so sad to hear the news. we will keep you in our prayers, we love you and wish we were there to help.

Brooke said...

We love you guys and are praying for you <3

Justin and Ashleigh Smith said...

Meg, I am so sorry. WHen I saw the title of your post, my stomach dropped and my heart hurts for you guys and your loss. I know what you are probably going through and some of the feelings you might be having, having gone through 2 miscarriages myself in the last year. I remember feeling so empty. I know that we have become a stronger family because of those experiences and you guys will too! I have learned A LOT about faith and having/gaining more faith in the Lord's plan for us. We may not know why things happen to us now, but all of our experiences will be for our good , somehow. Feel free to read my feelings on our blog of our miscarriages (just search "miscarriage") and if you have any questions at all please feel free to email me. Someday, you will be able to have all the children that the Lord has for you! You guys are in our thoughts and prayers.

The Thatchers said...

Oh Meg and Abe.I am so sorry. We are thinking of you guys and if you need anything let us know.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys we're SO sorry to hear about the baby, we love you! We'll remember you in our prayers! We love you. You are a GREAT aunt and uncle thanks <3 (heart)

Andrew said...

Abe and Meg, my heart is breaking for you this morning. While on the phone with you sadness and shock were the emotions felt, but while making calls to the family to inform them; my heart swelled with emotion for you. It brings new meaning to "...bear one another's burdens, that they may be light;...are willing to mourn with those that mourn; comfort those that stand in need of comfort..." Ginger the kids and I love you both so much and always wish only the best for you.

B said...

My heart breaks for you two. We love you. Wish I could hug you right now. We are here for you. God bless you.