Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Will it Ever Stop Snowing?!?

I am sure you all know about the huge storm that we had over this last weekend. We got about 28 inches in two days!
It took us about 2 hours to dig out both of our cars and that was with the help of a kind neighbor. We are fortunate enough to have such nice neighbors because at first we were digging out our cars with cookie sheets and a broom because we don't own a shovel. Two of our neighbors lent us theirs which helped a lot!!
We didn't bring out any of our snow clothes and the only gloves we have are the fabric kind so it was pretty cold and wet out.
What a guy!
This is the snow pile in front of our building. And it is supposed so snow again today and tomorrow giving us another 5 to 6 inches of new snow on top of what we already have! I seriously can't wait for winter to be over. The roads are terrible so we have for the most part been stuck inside for about 5 days now.


Melinda said...

I've been thinking about you with all of that snow. The Today show this morning said DC was due for up to 20 more inches. Sorry you're there for the worst winter in history :(

Jarrett and Sydni said...

Hey girlie, I found your blog so I hope you don't mind:) Wow holy snow. I'm glad to see that all is going well with you.

Nate said...

I am more concerned about Abe's wonderful gathering of facial hair than I am about a little snow storm.

Nice beard Abe, By day he is a financial analyst, by night he is a lumberjack.

T!FF said...

Crazy Meg!! I wish we would get some more snow, they always use to say Utah has the best snow on earth! But it doesn't seem like we really get that much anymore. I bet you'll be investing in a snow shovel now right? I had my blog private for a while, but changed it back to public... wasn't sure if you knew that! Take care!

Amberlin Gefrom said...

Good land......

brooklin said...

i'm really glad someone out here has considerate neighbors. ;) ps-- the baby shower goodies were adorable!

Chels Grubbs said...

That is a RIDICULOUS amount of snow!!! Yay for husbands who'll shovel it for us : ) Hope you're doing well!!!