Saturday, March 27, 2010

20 Things You Should Know That Your Stylist May Not Tell You

I read this article from the Reader's Digest and I loved it! I only posted my favorites. I thought all my hairstylist friends would get a kick out of this and all of my friends that go to a hairstylist will maybe learn something about what we do. Enjoy!

1. Some people are just too large or their cheeks too round for the style they want. They should look at themselves in the mirror sometime.

2. If you cancel at the very last minute, that's lost money to me because I can't fill that appointment with little or no notice.

3. When a client says she's in a rush, I tell her she needs to schedule her time better. My work takes time.

4. For stylists, tips should be 15 to 20 percent of the total cost of your bill. They are a significant portion of my pay. If you stiff me, I'll remember. And yes, salon owners who style hair do appreciate tips and want them.

5. Sure, you can bring your child or your dog in, as long as you control them. One of my clients used to bring her Great Dane in to all her appointments. He would curl up in the corner and sleep the entire time, so I didn't mind. But if your baby or your dog starts bothering me or the other people in the salon, I won't be so easygoing.

6. I need to charge you for my time, no matter what you're having done. I am a trained professional.

7. When you leave my chair and walk out of here, you represent me. So it's in my best interest for you to look good.

8. We see women at their worst. Their hair is wet, they have foils on their hair, they have no makeup on. There's nothing for them to hide behind. So they tell us everything. The truth is, I really don't care what they do sexually. I'm only interested in their hair.

9. Standing all day and using scissors and a blow-dryer takes its toll—I have arthritis in my fingers, calcium deposits in my wrist, and 10 percent less hearing than I used to. I am a physical wreck.

10. Why do you think a child's haircut should cost less than yours? Kids don't sit still. Kids kick. It's an intense experience.

11. Some clients will say, "Cut my hair just like you did last time." That always baffles me. The average time between appointments is six to eight weeks. I have hundreds of clients. How am I supposed to rememberexactly how I did your hair the last time? If you want a carbon copy of a cut and style you loved, take a picture and show me.

12. If you want to buy a bottle of color and do your own hair to save a buck, you can live with the consequences.

13. I'm not in this business to make hundreds of thousands of dollars. I just want to make a decent, comfortable living, and at the end of the day, go home.

14. A trim is not "just" a trim. It requires my expertise, skill, knowledge, and time. Would you say to your dentist, "It's just a tooth," or to your doctor, "It's just a leg"?

15. Bodies and hair change as hormones change. If your hair is dry, listless, or brittle, or if it's not holding your color or style the way it used to, see a doctor. If your hair isn't overprocessed, you could be pregnant (surprise!) or menopausal (yes, I can tell).

16. Some women think that if they keep their hair all one length the way it was in high school, everyone will think they're still in high school. Guess what? You're not. As you get older, you need to soften the linesaround your face. Layers are the magic remedy.

17. Hairdresser school does not teach about counter transference, projection, negative reinforcement, or personality disorders. If you're looking for a therapist, all I have is a tail comb and an opinion.

18. Don't ask me to "squeeze" you in when I'm already booked. I'd be taking time and effort away from other clients. You wouldn't like being treated that way.

19. Come at least five minutes early. If you're running late, please call ahead. Show me some basic respect. This is a business, not fun and games.

20. I'm a beautician, not a magician. I can give you Gisele Bündchen's haircut, but I can't give you her face.



Darin and Kali said...

Ha I love it! Every single thing is so true :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this! And we should get together when you come! This would be so fun! Oh and I'm stealing this for my blog:)

Brooke said...

AHhahaha! I learned a lot.. I am just so guilty of a lot of these things! My poor hair dresser!

Amberlin Gefrom said...

hahahah you are so awesome!