Sunday, March 21, 2010

National Half Marathon

Yesterday morning we had a very early start to the day. We got up at 5 am and drove into DC so Abe and his brother AJ could run the National half marathon. It was a seriously beautiful day and the weather couldn't have been better. I hung out in our car for about 1.5 hours and then headed to the finish line to catch them as they came in. They ran it in 1 hour and 59 minutes!
It is always fun to have AJ visit us and this has become a tradition for the boys to do this race each year.
After they cooled down and stretched out for a bit we decided to go over to the Capital because AJ had not been through the new visitor center. We didn't realize that it was a very happening day in DC. Apparently yesterday was the 7 year anniversary of the war and they were also working on the Health care bill in Congress. There were protesters for both causes all over DC. These people were protesting the Health care bill and down on the mall next to the George Washington Monument and directly in sight of the White House there were protesters of the war. They had put up thousands of tiny white flags, one for each civilian casualty caused by the war. It had a very strong visual effect.
We live in a really cool place where there is always neat stuff to see and do. We are loving it here in DC and are trying to take advantage of all it has to offer.

Later last night we went out to eat with a large group of our friends to my favorite restaurant in the whole world!!!! Maggiono's Little Italy! It is so super delicious and I have never tasted anything there that wasn't fabulous.

After gorging ourselves with tons of yummy food we dropped AJ off in China town to catch his bus and headed to another one of our friends house to watch the BYU game. Unfortunately they lost but the other team hit so many 3 pointers that there aren't too many teams in the country that could have beaten them, the way they were playing. BYU hung in there and kept the game pretty close the entire time so we even though we were sad that they lost we were happy with the way they played.

By the time we got home and got in bed it was about mid night and we were both totally exhausted! What a long exciting day!


B said...

Good job, Abez and Brother Bear! Great time!

And Maggiano's... ahhh.. Let's do it again. Next year. =) It was expensive! =)

Fabulous Ford said...

So proud of you boys to run this and still smile at the end. Great tradition. AJ, I can tell you have lost weight, you look great! Abe you always look great, especially in your shades. Good form boys! I, as always, am proud of you both!!!