Monday, July 19, 2010

Babies at 13 Weeks

One of the best things about being pregnant with twins is you get to have TONS of ultrasounds! I get to see our babies grow every 3 to 4 weeks! These pics were done last Friday so technically I was still a few days shy of 13 weeks but I decided to round up. We saw a specialist this time and they did a lot of measurements and testing and I am happy to say that everything is looking great with both babies. Another exciting things has occurred, I can definitely feel fetal movement. It is really early to be feeling anything but apparently with twins you tend to feel them early because there is less space for them to wiggle. The doctor also said that if I am feeling them now that means they are strong and doing a lot of moving which is great!

Here is baby " A" the most wiggly of the two. Every time the doctor got to where he was about to take a measurement baby "A" would do a flip and throw it off. It was pretty entertaining. Baby "A's" heart beat was at 161 and I got to hear the sound of it for the first time.

This is baby " B" who was also a little acrobatic but a little more cooperative when it came to taking measurements. The ultrasound technician got so wrapped up talking to me and taking cute pictures of baby "B" that she forgot to take any measurements and listen to the heart beat. She left the room to get the doctor and about 2 minutes later came back in laughing because she hadn't done any of the stuff that mattered. We ended up with 4 pictures of just baby "B" and only 2 of baby " A". I guess baby "B" is going to be our little model. Baby "B's" heartbeat was at 158 which I did get to hear after the tech remembered.

Here they are together. Again baby " B" was prime for the photo and baby "A" did a flip and ended up backwards for the pic. =)

Our next ultrasound will be at 16 weeks and there is a small possibility that they will be able to determine the gender! If they can't tell at that point we will have to wait till our 20 week ultrasound. So cross your fingers that both babies give us a good look so we can find out early!!!


Melinda said...

They're so cute! They look just like you ;) I can't wait to hear what they are. I'm guessing baby A is a boy and baby B is a girl -- because my boys could never sit still either.

Brooke said...

This is ADORABLE and SO surreal and exciting. I agree with Melinda, they look just like you Meg! They really are so cute!!

Anonymous said...

im guessing baby A is a boy, and baby B is a girl

brooklin said...


dannii said...

yay meg! these are amazing pictures. we never got ones as clear of g so i am chiming in and guessing baby a is a boy and baby b is a girl too. i love your updates. i wish i were there to bring you some ginger beer - it helped me tons with sickness. love you!

abSalmond said...

I'm so excited for you, and kinda jealous at the same time, we only got one ultrasound at or around 20 weeks, and you get to see them a ton. That's awesome! How are you feeling? I love it when you can start feeling movement, one of the best things in life! If your feeling them this early I bet Abe will be able to in a few weeks too. Yay! I'm guessing two girls!