Saturday, August 21, 2010

Meg's Recent Favorites

Favorite Book:
My sister first read this book and raved about it. She then loaned it to my mom who also couldn't stop talking about it. When she was done she passed it along to my other sister. All of this took over a year so it was finally my turn to read this book that everyone raved about.

All I can say is it went right into my favorite books of all time list! If you haven't read this book, you have to read it! I will warn you that as you read the first 80 pages or so you will think to yourself, "Why am I reading this?" but you will soon after get hooked and will not be able to put it down. I just finished it and could be happy picking it up immediately and reading it again. You will be happy you read it, I promise!

Favorite Movie:

We went to see "Inception" on opening weekend. We don't go to movies all that often but we read the reviews on this one and it intrigued us.
I have to say that it was one of the best movies either of us have seen in a long time! It was really well made and had great acting and special effects. It is ridiculously confusing but that just adds to the mystery of the movie. We are going to see it for a second time in the theater this afternoon. If that doesn't tell you it is worth seeing, you don't know Abe very well. haha

Favorite Funny Story:

This week I asked Fiona (the two year old I nanny for) what I should name our babies and she said, "Ummm... Hoggie and Hobby!"

I have no idea where she got those names but she was very proud of herself to have come up with them.

Favorite Thing Abe did for me:

This last Saturday I had a huge wedding. Luckily my good friend Kim was nice enough to come with me to help since I am getting far enough along that I just can't handle doing 10 people by myself anymore.

We left at about 9:45am and didn't get home till about 6pm that evening. It was a long, long day and when I am working like that I try to eat periodically but I don't have time to eat much more than a few granola bars and some water. So by the time I got home I was sore and tired and hungry. I knew I needed to eat something but literally didn't have the energy to make anything so the whole way home I was trying to think of what I could eat right away that wouldn't take too long to make.

Well, I pulled up to our place and before I could even try to lug my suitcase that carries all of my tools out of the back seat of my car, Abe was there grabbing it for me. He must have been watching for me out the window because I didn't call him to tell him I was home. He helped me inside and the first thing I noticed was everything was clean and vacuumed. It is always such a nice feeling to walk into a clean home. Then I smelled food and he tells me that dinner is almost ready. He had made lasagna with a side of mixed veggies for us. I could have cried right there. What a thoughtful guy! I am so lucky to have him and I love how he takes care of me especially during this pregnancy. He has done a lot of sweet things for me but this was by far my favorite!

Favorite Food:

While we were in Utah we went to Kneaders for their yummy French toast at least 2 or 3 times. I have been craving it ever since we got home so this morning I thought I would surprise Abe with a homemade version of it. We don't have a Kneaders here so I used Great Harvest Cinnamon Swirl bread instead of their crunchy cinnamon bread but I swear it tasted just like the original!

I cut the recipe for the batter in half because I have had the homemade version made by someone else before and it always seems to turn out a little soggy. With less batter it was exactly perfect! The measurements bellow are what I used not the original recipe...

Kneader’s Over-Night French Toast:

1 loaf Kneaders Chunky Cinnamon Bread cut in 8 slices (We don't have a Kneaders so I used Great Harvest Bread's Cinnamon Swirl bread instead and loved it!)

4 eggs

1.5 c. milk

1/2 T. brown sugar

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 T. vanilla

2 T. butter


Butter a glass baking dish generously (9" x 13"). Place the bread flat in the baking dish. Mix all remaining ingredients, reserving the butter and pour over the bread. Cut butter into pieces and dot over the top. Refrigerate over night or at least 1 hour. Bake 45 - 50 minutes at 350 degrees. Serves 8

Kneader's Carmel Syrup

1 c. Brown sugar

1 c. Creme

1 c. Light Karo Syrup

Blend together and heat on stovetop until sugar is smooth. Serve warm.


Cass said...

That is my favorite book of all time, I love it so much! we'll have to go see that movie, for Abe to pay for it twice, it must be good. That was really sweet of Abe to have the house clean and dinner on the table. He must really love you and those babies!

Peter and Jen Bell said...

I'll definitely have read that book and see that movie. If Abe saw it twice, it's got to be good.