Wednesday, September 8, 2010

20 Week Ultrasound pics

Last Friday I went in for my 20 week ultrasound. The appointment took 2 hours! The technician said she had to take 80 pictures of measurements for the doctor. Two of every measurement per baby so that was 40 pictures per baby. I usually love ultrasounds and I still did enjoy seeing the boys but this was ultimately uncomfortable to lay there so long and have her pushing around on my already tender abdomen. I have had a lot of acid reflux lately which is why my abdomen was tender. Other than that, I have been feeling pretty good.

After all of these measurements and pictures it was determined that both babies are doing great and that everything tested normal, yeah!

I went to my regular OBGYN today and he did tests to make sure I am doing well and he assures me that I am and that all the discomfort is completely normal, great... He also measured my uterus and says that I am the size of someone that should be around 35 weeks pregnant in a normal pregnancy. ha ha

Both babies were very active, as usual. Especially baby "A", as usual. =)
It is always entertaining to me because every technician I have had has mentioned how active they are and how difficult it is to get the measurements they need because the babies wiggle so much. It just makes me smile.

They are definitely both boys as well. They were already fighting each other. The technician laughed because we could see that baby A was kicking baby B in the head and baby B looked like he was putting his hands up to block the kicks. Then a moment later baby B stuck his foot into baby A's tummy. It was great to watch them interact with each other.

Here are the best profile shots of each of them. For some reason I couldn't get the pictures to open up into my editing software so they aren't quite as clear as the others I have posted but you can see them pretty well still.

Baby "A" weighs about 11 oz. and his heart rate was at 169. I think it looks kind of like he is giving a thumbs up.

Baby "B" weighs about 12 oz and his heart rate was 148. I thought this profile pic was especially cute.
The next ultrasound will be October 1st and October 6th.


Melinda said...

Very cute babies :) Matthew said they look like lions. He also said that it's silly that you have two babies in your tummy.

B said...

I can see the thumbs up!

christina said...

dont you love all of the ultrasounds?! i got SO many because of my diabetes. how fun!!!

Julie Sacks said...

Totally not to be rude, but you look about 35 weeks prego :) I am just so excited for the both of you and am glad the babies are doing so well. I hope you can bare the last months of pregnancy discomfort (I know I can't stand it!), esp with twins!

Team Covey said...

I'm so impressed the rest of you is so tiny! I can't believe you're more than half way - twins usually come early, right? I hope so. We are due Sep 27 and will let you know if we have a girl for your boys to date or a boy to hang out with. We're so excited!