Thursday, August 18, 2011

7 Months

7 months already, holy cow! These boys are growing so fast. I am sure that is how all mothers feel though.

We are doing great. We adjusting to life without Nana and Papa to help daily. We have good days and not so good days but so far no major problems.

Jace is as active as ever. He is not yet crawling but he can scoot around like an inch worm pretty fast. He has his two bottom teeth and for the last week or two has been getting his top two teeth as well. He is currently in the 65% for weight at 17.5 lbs and in the 75% for length.

We went to a restaurant the other night and the manager came to our table to see the boys and he was making Jace laugh really hard. He asked if he could hold him and we said yes and before we knew it there were about 6 waitresses and waiters all gathered around him. He was definitely the center of attention and he loved every minute of it!

Jefferson is also doing great. He made leaps and strides this month, as mentioned in the previous post. He is now rolling both ways and is able to get around pretty well. Now that he is on the move more he has begun to thin out just a bit. He is still super chunky but his is now in the 90% for weight instead of the 95% and he is the exact same length as Jace so they are both in the 75% for length.

Jefferson cracks us up all the time with his ability to smile and laugh all day long. Just today I put him down for a nap and then went back downstairs to grab Jace. By the time I got Jace upstairs to put him down Jefferson was already a sleep. As I was laying Jace down, Jefferson rolled onto his side and started laughing in his sleep. It was the cutest thing. I wonder what he was dreaming about that was so funny... probably his brother Jace. Jace makes Jefferson laugh all day long and he knows it too and is realizing that it is fun to be funny.
These cute outfits were given to us by our good friends the Safford's. They are totally adorable. I wish the boys would leave the hats on but unfortunately they are too distracting and only stay on for a few minutes before the boys are grabbing and pulling them off.
I thought these were kind of funny pictures. These cute outfits along with a ton of others were given to us by a super sweet mother of identical twin boys that had grown out of them. I didn't even know her she is a women that went to high school with my sister (they don't even know each other that well) and she offered to give us all of these cute clothes for free! Seriously Catherine if you ever look at our blog, thank you for being so generous we love the clothes and are already getting a ton of use out of them!
Love those big blue eyes!
What silly boys.


Amberlin Gefrom said...

So so cute..and they look so big! Like they are growing up fast. The smiles are way cute!

Beth said...

Oh, they are gorgeous!!

Lauren said...

Meg they are adorable! Look a lot like you. Love the outfits with the hats!! And teeth already, wowser! My 10 month old still doesn't have any. But Carter was the same way. We're just slow in that department I guess! You all look so happy, and that life is treating you wonderfully!