Thursday, September 22, 2011

8 Months Old

Yes, the boys are 8 months old now and doing fabulous! As you can see, Jefferson is learning to sit up on his own. He is not quite there yet but he can usually sit there for a while if he is distracted with a toy before he topples over.

He also had his first 2 teeth break through this month without any fuss. What a happy baby!
Just in the last couple of days he has begun getting up on his hands and knees and rocking back and fourth. I think he has been watching Jace crawl around at the speed of lightening and he is getting jealous of his mobility.
He still has an awesome laugh that is totally contagious and he smiles even in his sleep. However, out of the two boys he is suddenly a very picky eater (go figure since he is the chunk out of the two). He loves Yo Baby yogurt and oat meal with bananas but other then that it is a challenge to get him to eat almost everything else.
Jace is still a go getter. As I mentioned already he is now crawling like a champ! He loves to crawl under things and over obstacles(including his brother which Jefferson doesn't appreciate) which makes him difficult to contain sometimes.
He now has 5 teeth and loves to feed himself little baby snacks that he can chew with his new teeth. He has also discovered how to grind his teeth together, a wonderful habit passed down from father to son that drives me crazy. There is nothing more irritating then listen to teeth grinding all day and not being able to stop it. I hope he gets past this one soon.
Now that Jace can crawl I have had to set up blockades so he can't get out of the living room which inspired his next new skill, pulling up on things. He falls over a lot doing this so it is not my favorite game but I guess that's how they learn... in fact he fell over and bonked his head immediately after I snapped this picture. Poor little head.
Jace is a smiley baby too but nothing gets him laughing like daddy play time! These guys go nuts when Abe gets home.
They are eating 3 solid meals a day now and are down to taking 2 naps and occasionally a third if our day gets messed up. They love going for runs with me in the morning in their jogging stroller. We went for a 2 hour run last Saturday morning and they didn't make a peep the entire way.

They are a lot of fun. My 2 favorite things in the world are to sneak into their room at night with Abe and watch them sleep. There is nothing sweeter then a sleeping baby! And my second favorite thing is to watch them play with Abe when they are all three laughing hysterically, seriously warms my heart.


Lauren said...

Meg they are SO adorable!