Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hooray for Jefferson!

This has been a very big week for Jefferson. First, on Monday he learned to hold his own bottle! This is something I have been waiting for, yeah, both my boys can finally feed themselves!

Then today he finally rolled over for the first time ever. The funny part is that he didn't struggle at all to do it he just rolled over like he could do it all along but just didn't want to. Now that he knows he can do it though he won't stay on his stomach for more then a minute before he pops over onto his back. Hopefully he keeps making big strides like these. I was beginning to get worried that Jace would be walking before Jefferson learned to roll over. haha

Way to go Jefferson!


Beth said...

Wow, I'm jealous. I hope our boys get there soon. Your house and your babies look gorgeous!

Beth said...

p.s. we drove near your old place again and Fiona always points out to me that it's "Meg's house." Also, I asked her if she missed you and she said yes. If you decide to visit you have to let us know!