Monday, December 5, 2011

Catching up with the boys 11 months old!

I have been so bad at updating the blog lately!  I can't believe I totally forgot to do the boys updates even.  So we have skipped a few months but I don't think we missed any major mile stones being reported.  They are now about 11 months old.  I can't believe it's almost been a year already!

The boys are doing great except for the fact that we have all pretty much been sick since the first week of November.  The boys and I got a cold that has never fully gone away and they both had flu symptoms after getting their flu booster shot last week.  That was not fun.

Both the boys have learned to clap and sometimes they will wave bye-bye.  We are working on learning a sign for food but that hasn't caught on yet.  However, they really love clapping and clap for themselves all day long.  If I ever say "yeah!" Jace will stop what he is doing and clap.  It is so cute!

Jefferson is as cute as can be.  He is usually super smiley but for some reason every time I pull out the camera he goes totally stone faced.  He is getting really heavy.  He is about as solid a baby as I have ever felt.  People are always shocked when they pick him up.  I can't complain though because I love the chuck and the chubby cheeks!
Jefferson loves music, stealing bottles and teddy bears through the bars of the crib from brother at bed and nap time and playing with mommy and daddy.  His favorite food is yogurt, any flavor.  He doesn't like it when daddy leaves in the morning or when mommy cleans his hands and face.  Jefferson is our giggler.  We hear him giggle all day long and it is the sweetest sound!
Jace is usually a little harder to get to smile or laugh but for some reason when I get out the camera I can always get a few good smile shots.

Jace is a crack up.  He makes his brother laugh all day long.  He is really fast and is constantly moving.  He doesn't quite have the chunk of his brother but he is still pretty solid.  
Jace's favorite things to do are push his walking toys across the room because even though he isn't quite walking on his own yet, he is almost there and can push them all by himself.  He also loves to climb.  I have put up barriers to contain the boys in the living room and he will do everything he can to climb over them.  Which I hate because it usually means a head dive down on the other side... I don't know how to keep him contained because a gate won't work between the wall and the couch.  Any suggestions?
Jace's favorite food it Gerber baby Cheetos puffs cheddar flavor. He has also learned to take off his own pants and he thinks it is really funny when I find him sitting in his diaper.
They are both super silly and into everything these days.  Sometimes I have a hard time keeping up with them and for the first time since they were first born I have begun taking naps when they go down for their morning naps. haha
We can't wait for the boys first Christmas!


Beth said...

Oh my they are so big and adorable!!! How time flies. I love the pictures and reading about what our future holds in a few months. The boys are crawling now and have started to pick up speed. I have no advice for containing them because as you know Fiona was pretty timid and you could easily control her (plus there was only one of her). Did you cut your hair? It looks great!