Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Funny Jefferson

 The other day I went in to get the boys up from a nap and found Jefferson like this.  He must be Houdini because his jammies were still zipped to the top and buttoned and still he managed to pull his whole arm out.  He seemed pretty proud of himself too. haha
 Yes, that is a strainer he is playing with.  The boys were getting fussy one day while I was trying to make dinner so I gave them a small strainer to play with and they think it is the most amazing toy ever!  The seriously love it and play with it all the time.  Sometimes the best toys aren't really toys at all but as long as it is safe and keeps them happy, I will give them whatever they want.

Thought this last pic was funny.  Every time I held it up to his face he would try to suck on it and ended up looking like this.  We were laughing pretty hard.  What a funny kid!


Kacie said...

Cute kids, but I am in awe of what a great/busy mom you are now that I'm a mom myself! PS found your blog through Josh and Laura's!