Sunday, April 4, 2010

Feeling Blessed

Today has been a great Easter. We had a really yummy lunch over at our friends home and watched the afternoon session of Conference with them. Then after playing a game of Settler's of Cattan (my favorite game), we came home and watched the last session of Conference.

This Easter has been very different from last year. Last year I had my miscarriage on Easter Sunday and felt true loss like I had never felt before. This year I was able to reflect not only on that but on the blessings I have received since that time. I feel blessed to have the gospel in my life. It brings peace to my sadness because I know that families are forever. I also know the healing power of our Heavenly Father through prayer and priesthood blessings. I am so thankful for my amazing husband who has been there for me through all of the ups and downs this year. He is definitely the rock I stand on. I am grateful for his unwaivering testimony and strength. I am thankful that he can make me smile even through tears. I don't know what I did to be so lucky.

I am also thankful for our family. We have so many people that love us and support us. I can never feel too lonely with that amount of love around me. We also have many life long friends that love and even though most of you are back in UT or other places we miss you all the time and are so grateful that our friendships are strong enough to have lasted so long. We have made many new friends this last year that have helped us through some pretty tough times and I know that they too will be life long friends.

I feel truly happy today. I have so many things to be thankful for and I am just happy to be in a place in my life where I can acknowledge that.


Amberlin Gefrom said...

What a sweet post. Dangit I wish we lived near you guys. WE love settlers and we played it too during conference sessions...well maybe one day!

B said...

Gratitude is such an attractive trait in a person. No surprise to find it in you. =) So glad we're friends.

Lauren K said...

What a nice reflection for Easter weekend. And what pretty pictures!
My heart aches for DC seeing all those cherry blossoms. We sure miss you guys!

Brooke said...

Stop it! You are so stylish you nerdo! I love your sense of style. And, I always borrowed yourrr clothes!