Friday, May 7, 2010

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

This picture is actually from last Fall but I love it so much I had to post it again for Cinco de Mayo. Thanks Bonnie and Chris for looking so awesome in sombreros!
Our good friends the Bell's hosted another successful Cinco de Mayo party this week. There was tons of yummy food and even non alcoholic margarita's in real margarita glasses brimmed with sugar and a lime wedge (very authentic). I thought it would be funny to take a picture of Abe wearing a sombrero and me holding my fake margarita. Well, we can just say that Abe didn't think it would be funny. He felt that even though my drink was totally non alcoholic it would give the impression that I was drinking and that was not okay with him. haha. I made him take the picture anyway and when I looked at it later that night I had to laugh. For his sake I have cropped out me and my devil drink but I had to show you his face!

I am pretty sure he wasn't happy with his heathen wife who thought this was hilarious.


Nate said...

I thought that was what Abe's face looked like all of the time....
Looks fun!

B said...

LOL! Abe, don't worry. I'll still think it was real alcohol.

And man, I look good in a sombrero!