Friday, June 4, 2010

Great Things Come in Two's

Did you figure out the theme yet?
If not, maybe this will help.

We are...



Justin and Ashleigh Smith said...

Ahhh!!! Congrats, congrats, congrats!!! I am so incredibly happy for you! When are you due? Is everything ok this time with the babies? Do twins run in your family? You should give us some details :) You guys deserve every bit of happiness and now you get a double dose of it!How exciting! I totally remember that old school commercial by the way!Keep us updated!

Karissa Kay said...

OH MY GOSH! Congrats you guys!!! We are SO happy for you!

Heidi @ Honeybear Lane said...

Wow, congrats! That will definitely keep you busy but I think it's better to have twins first if you're gonna have twins because then you won't know anything different and the next baby will seem like a piece of cake! Good luck and I hope everything goes well with the pregnancy!

Brooke said...

I am SO giddy with excitement!!! WOOHOO!!! YIPEE!!! XOXO

Ann said...

That is wonderful!!! I am so happy for you guys!

Jenny said...

Congratulations! We are so excited for you guys!

Nate said...

we are jumping up and down cheering for you guys. All of the neighbors are wondering what is going on. This is the best news in the world. I have a couple of cool boy names if you guys want them. Cass is not a huge fan of Maverick or Slade. You guys can use them

dannii said...

This is the greatest! Yay for babies! Our only bummer is that we will have to wait two years to meet the little suckers. Oh man, but bloggerstalk you I shall. Little G will have little Ford friends!

Beth said...

We're so excited for you!!!

Destiny Rayburn said...

I had a dream you were pregnant last week!!!!! Congrats!

Fabulous Ford said...

I don't think that any of us have stopped SMILING since we spoke with you. Congratulations! We send our love to all of you!!

Amberlin Gefrom said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwww holy cow x's2!! I am so excited for you! What a great blessing from everything that has been hard!

nickandtif said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you!! This news just made my day!

Julie Sacks said...

oh my gosh!!! So exciting, congrats a million times over!!!