Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Halloween Themed Baby Shower

Last night my cute friends through me a Halloween themed baby shower. I totally forgot to bust out my camera until everyone was gone and we were cleaning up so you only get to see the girls that actually planned the shower... no one else ended up dressing up so we'll just say that the girls that were cool enough to get into the Halloween theme actually made the blog. haha

In case you can't tell, I dressed like "a knocked up, white trash girl". Kim is the cat in the middle and Bonnie is the totally awesome hill-billy chick on the end. (Loved the teeth Bon Bon!)
The other cat of the night was my cute friend Kristy who was nice enough to host the shower at her house.
It was a lot of fun. We had a chocolate fountain with lots of yummy things to dip, we played a fun Halloween memory game where everyone won candy and then everyone went around the room and told a scary story about being a mom. I got great gifts and super cute clothes that I can't wait to put our little guys in when they arrive! Thank you everyone that came, dropped off a gift for me or planned my shower. I truly have some amazing friends and I am going to miss you all more than you know.


Brooke said...

Ah! So cute!! Well as cute as a knocked up white trash girl is! I am bummed you didn't take pics during the shower..

Jenny said...

So fun! I'm so glad you could have such a fun shower. We do have some great people in our ward!

dannii said...

so rad! i wish i could have been there. i miss the cool club so much. you look so fabulous!