Friday, October 1, 2010

Ragnar Relay 2010

Yes, it is that time of year again... Ragnar and of course again, Abe got sick right before the race. He had a horrible head cold the day before and somehow still made it through 48 hours of basically no sleep and ran a total of 22.2 miles! Fortunately he said he didn't feel too bad for the race and thought he was on the mend. Unfortunately, it came back with vengeance by the next morning.

Apparently they ate breakfast in the middle of no where at the animal head on the wall kingdom.

I went to see them at the finish line with my friend Brooklin and her kids. That is her little girl behind us, she is super cute. Anyway, it was insanely hot and humid and the pregnant woman was melting. I am embarrassed to even post this picture because I look so sweaty and swollen.
The finish line was at the National Harbor. We had never been there before and it is actually a really cool spot with lots of shops and restaurants.
Good job team!


Amberlin Gefrom said...

So jealous as that is my favorite race! Its crazy what you can pull off on no sleep haha!